

Serving up our 24-hour fermented yogurt made fromNice Farms milk in both a single-serving size or in a quart jar.

When we make our yogurt we ferment local, full-fat, Nice Farms Milk for a total of 24 hours (most yogurt is fermented for only 8-12 hours) to allow ample time for the lactobacillus bacteria to fully digest the lactose and chemically and physically transform the milk into its safest and most nourishing form possible. We then strain the yogurt to slightly thicken it without adding any stabilizers or thickeners.

Stop in and enjoy a parfait style with our house-made granola, local raw honey and local fruit.


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Traditional yogurt is made by introducing an heirloom culture comprised of a colony of lactobacillus bacteria and placing it in the proper environment to facilitate fermentation. During the fermentation the bacteria eat the lactose (sugars), create lactic acid (the pH drops), and create a final product that, when compared to the milk it started as is:

  • Safer because the lower pH that creates an environment hostile to many pathogens, more delicious because of the slightly sour tang produced through the lactic acid and the thicker texture,

  • Lower in lactose because the sugar (lactose) was consumed through the fermentation process,

  • Loaded with probiotics because of the live lactobacillus bacteria that are thriving in the finished product

  • Predigested making the nutrients more readily accessible to our bodies

How do I know it’s REAL yogurt?

The absolute, number one best way to ensure the yogurt you are eating is as safe and nourishing as it can possibly be is to make it yourself in your home. It is incredibly simple to make and your kitchen is certainly better equipped than the kitchens of the first yogurt makers 4,000 years ago! The next best thing you can do is purchase yogurt from someone you trust whose primary goal is to nourish you and your family with the highest quality yogurt you can find.

Making Real Yogurt at the Modern Stone Age Kitchen

With all of this in mind we strive to make the most delicious and nourishing yogurt possible at the Modern Stone Age Kitchen. When we make our yogurt we ferment local, full-fat, Nice Farms Milk for a total of 24 hours (most yogurt is fermented for only 8-12 hours) to allow ample time for the lactobacillus bacteria to fully digest the lactose and chemically and physically transform the milk into its safest and most nourishing form possible. We then strain the yogurt to slightly thicken it without adding any stabilizers or thickeners.