gluten-free sourdough bread


We have adapted our wild, long fermented sourdough process to gluten free flours so we can offer you the benefits of sourdough without the gluten! Our genuine sourdough process relies on a combination of two simultaneous fermentations - one with wild yeasts and the other with wild bacteria to do so much more than just make the bread rise. The bacterial fermentation transforms the grains into their safest and most nourishing form for our human bodies by making them more easily digestible which means there is an increase in bioavailability. In other words, our body has to work less hard to access more of the nutrition in the bread! The bacterial fermentation also helps detoxify by reducing lectins, phytates and many of the other antinutrients present in the grains. Finally, just like with our traditional sourdough breads, making use of the wild microflora native to this area provides a unique sense of terroir that is lost in most of our modern food.

So, what makes our gluten free sourdough bread different? First, we don’t use any commercial yeast - our bread is leavened solely through the action of the wild yeasts. Second, there is no artificial anything in the bread! This means there are zero artificial binders, emulsifiers, or preservatives. We rely solely on psyllium husk to bind (absolutely no xanthan gum) and the lower pH because of the bacterial fermentation to preserve. And, finally, we have carefully selected gluten free flours to make the lowest oxalate bread possible.

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